A suite of Revit Apps to help find, create, monitor, and ensure consistency within Revit.
- Add search functionality to your project explorer. Find views, materials, walls using specific materials, and so much more, all with simple wildcard searches. A must for big projects or for new team members.
- Easily create and open a section view parallel to any face, cropped exactly to the item. Pick items from any view and section box crop them to a 3d view. All just in one click.
- Change the case of entire categories of items to Upper, Lower, Proper, add text, replace text. Works on views, sheets, materials and, of course, notes.
- Sequentially renumber rooms to your standards and have all the elevations, doors, windows, renumber / rename at the same time.
- Create wall and material legends.
- Rename views and materials based on their parameters or structure.
- Round trip walls, materials, line & fill, patterns, sheets and rooms, views, and anything else to and from Excel.
- Export PDFs, DWFs, DWGs, using your naming conventions.
- Easily reload and monitor your project families when they get out of sync with files on disk.
- Easily manage imports in your project.