Revit file management tasks made easy.
The Revit Family Tools program allows for easy Revit file management in the 2011 and 2012 versions of Revit software.
Best of all -
it's free! The tools included in this program are:
Delete Backup Files - This allows Revit’s backup files to be efficiently deleted throughout your directories. Beyond a simple script, you can choose the directory in which you want the backup files deleted, and also choose if you want this tool to process all sub directories. It also allows you to use your discretion- you choose the backup files that you do not want deleted. An efficient tool that assists in this file management is crucial for proper family library management.
Type Catalog Tools - Often we must edit our type catalogs, and those files must be saved using the .txt file extension for Revit to use them when loading a family. However, at times we edit our type catalogs in Microsoft Excel, and later export them to .csv files. Upon completion we manually change the file extensions to .txt for use by Revit. The “Type Catalog Tools” tab simply automates this conversion from .csv to .txt.
Compare Shared Parameters - Creating families in Revit is typically tied into Shared Parameters. These parameters posses certain properties that must be unique between family files so the information can be entered in a similar way, and so that the families may be properly scheduled or exported to external data management solutions. If multiple shared parameter files start entering your family creation environment, it can be very difficult to manage which parameters to use, and which files contain which parameters. This function allows this process to be much easier and considerably more efficient.
Merge Shared Parameters - Once shared parameter files have been compared, there are times when it makes sense to combine multiple files into a single file for future family creation. The “Merge Shared Params” function makes this process very easy. It can not only copy the parameters, but can also copy groups from one parameter file to the next.
Family File Version Detector - This feature is self explanatory. It assists in the detection of family versions. It is used to detect the version in which the family was last saved, and can get as detailed as the web update that was applied to the Revit application at the time of save. This is useful for determining if upgrading is needed, or perhaps if a family can be used in projects that are not on the current release of Revit prior to attempting loading. Once again, this can be used to assist in managing the Family libraries on your network.
Update: Revit Family Tools is now
Family Tools available in
CTC BIM Manager Suite.
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