
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What’s Hot in Revit Add-ons for September 2018

Here on Revit Add-ons, with What's Hot, at about the middle of each month, we look back at the preceding month to see which new posts received the most pageviews.

We published just 12 posts in August 2018, well below our minimum target of an average of 1/day (having one's 8 y.o. twin sons for summer vacation will do that to a fella). We still received a very respectable 56,467 pageviews for the month.

GeoToCAD, for interoperability between Revit and ArcGIS, topped our list for the month. CCupgrader, for upgrading multiple Revit files, came in at #2. The free Construction Material Library for the European Union charted at #3. Lastly, the Revit Add-ons inspired SpankMyRevit landed at #4.

Here's the list of this month's shortlisted posts, along with the add-in/content originators:
  1. Free GeoToCAD™ for Autodesk® Revit® – Bi-Directional Connection with ArcGIS® from AMC Bridge
  2. CCupgrader – The Self-Proclaimed "Fastest Way of Upgrading Multiple Files" from  cadconsulting
  3. Free Construction Material Library for EU from FlowBIM
  4. Free SpankMyRevit! For Real this Time! (Updated) from Bird Tools

Thanks and congratulations to all the content originators!

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