
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Warnings and Cleaning Package

From the Autodesk App Store:

This application contains 8 useful tools for file purging and cleaning.

Purge CAD Drawings

his tool is designed to purge unneeded Autodesk® AutoCAD® files from Autodesk® Revit® model.

It will remove the imported CAD and linked CAD drawings from your file.

Sometimes users link the same CAD drawing many times and this affects the performance of the Revit model. The tool will tell you about how many times you inserted the same CAD drawing. This will improve file performance and reduce the file size.

Purge Scope Boxes

This app provides more automation for scope box workflow.

The tool is designed to purge the scope boxes automatically.

urge (Unplaced spaces / Unplaced Rooms)

Usually, the user needs to create room or space schedules to delete unplaced rooms or spaces.  This tool is designed to delete unplaced rooms or spaces without the need to create a schedule, saving the user a lot of time.

Purge Unused Filters

The tool is designed to purge unneeded filters from the Revit model.

This will be very useful when submitting files to the client the files will only include needed filters.

Purge Unused Parameters

The tool is designed to purge unused parameters inside the Revit model in order to enhance the file performance and delete unnecessary parameters.

Remove Duplicate Elements

This tool is designed to remove duplicate element warnings from Revit files.

This version will work with loadable families only.

The upcoming release will handle system families.

Remove Duplicate Mark Warnings

This tool is designed to remove duplicate mark warnings from the Revit files.

After running the command, select whether to remove duplicate mark warnings from:
  • Loadable families only.
  • All selected families (need to select before running the tool)

After the selection, you can erase the mark value or you can give the numeric value sequence.

Ungroup all Groups

This tool is designed to ungroup Revit Groups.

This will reduce the time used in ungrouping them manually so will save you a lot of time.

Read Help Document

About This Version

Version, 8/12/2019 – First release.

Warnings and cleaning package_V_17,18,19,20 is brought to you by BIM SOFT SOLUTIONS. It's priced at US $18.00/month or $10.00/year.

This add-in is compatible with Revit 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017.

Download from the Autodesk App Store »

Questions? Contact the developer »

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